Last year I released a rom for the Nintendo DS/DS Lite which paired with the DS Lite Flex PCB to enable wireless control of the console. Since then many folks have used it and enjoyed it but there were a few common issues and feature requests. In the latest update I’ve addresses a couple of those items. You can download the update here

Support for the Original GBA TX Cart & Bluetooth TX Cart

At launch only the DS TX Cart was supported. The lastest version now works with both the GBA TX Cart and the GBA Bluetooth TX Cart. If you’ve already purchased it then this is a fully free upgrade/power up to the product. X and Y buttons can now be sent from the DS rom and the macro buttons are fully supported. You can choose to launch the GBA program or the DS program from the DS game launcher and either will work exactly as expected. The rom will automatically determine which cart is installed and display it on the bottom screen.

Photo of the wireless gba tx cart Photo of the gba bluetooth tx cart

Standard Format for Configuration

The old config format was fairly simple but it was non-standard and created in only a couple hours. It was also very picky which made it very easy to create an invalid config file which would then be silently ignored. This was very confusing and unhelpful. The new format is JSON based which is a standard way to describe data. Beyond that, the rom will also now show a message when the format is incorrect to help discover issues sooner. Since the old config file is no longer compatiable, the new file has been renamed to wds_tx.json. An example is shown below.

    "UP": [ "DOWN" ],
    "DOWN": [ "UP" ],
    "LT": [ "A" ],
    "X": [ "START" ],
    "M1": [ "SLEEP" ],
    "M2": [ "A", "B", "START", "SELECT" ]

What’s Next?

That is all user facing changes at part of this release but internally the program was almost completely rewritten. This should make future fixes, improvements, and features much easier to implement. If you encounter any issues with this update, please report them via email or the insideGadget’s discord.